Social Action

The Social Action Committee promotes justice and compassion within the Jewish community and society at large through diverse community-based projects and events, which engage ICCJ members in Tikkun Olam — actions to repair and improve our world.

Annual and ongoing opportunities for this include: (Click arrows to expand.)

Our committee members collect items, box and donate them to the Chesed Center. ICCJ’s congregants generously donate between 15-20 cartons each year.

Committee members represent ICCJ at FJCC meetings, and help pack and distribute food as as part of the Council’s monthly Food Pantry, accessible to those experiencing food insecurity.

Committee members maintain our community’s “green infrastructure,” including a rain garden on 167th street, right outside the shul.

Committee members provide rides to those requiring assistance getting to voting sites.

Committee members sort donations of used shoes, eyeglasses and hearing aids, and donate them to our partner organizations: National Alliance on Mental Illness and Lions International, for distribution to those in need of them.

Members participate in the National Day of Service coordinated by Commonpoint Queens.

We partner with other synagogue arms and committees, facilitating ICCJ’s meaningful, ongoing programming.

To contact us and/or become involved, please use the form below.

Emily Kahn-Freedman,
Social Action Committee.

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